Are you saying asians don't have big boobs :|
Some guys don't even need picture to masturbate.
Pictures --> Fantasise
Mind = Collaboration of memories, pictures and motion/emotion --> Fantasise
You said your sick of being an analyzer and breaking down comments.
And you didnt use...
Go to Each Layer labelled "..... Me"
Select Eraser tool
Erase Me (Rasterize the layer - click on the scren with eraser then select OK when asked)
Select next ".... Me"
Give me your addy, cause I've done it and I can send it over via MSN.
Its rather pointless if it doesnt count towards your degree :p
But ECSD or something rather is a Career/Job Educational Course with online assessments and no final exam/mid exam. Come to Uni twice and that it.
The majority of Unis that I've seen have consitant Credit Point designations to all of its subjects. Only MQ (so far I've seen) has subjects that are not of equal value to any other.
Calculate yourself or use Estudent ;)
WAM = Weighted Average Mark
= All your marks / number of subject completed
Some universities like UNSW/USYD use WAM (or entry for some specialty courses) as its gives a more precise idea of how a student performs compared to another.