i am currently doing 13 units
adv eng, ext math, bio, economics, business and it
I am ranking really well in all my subjects and specifically 1st in ipt
i don't know if I should keep it even though Im not interested and would rather focus on other subjects, compared to my other subjects its...
Knights Tour
Investigate the following modified Knights Tour problem. In this investigation, you will need to know how a knight moves on a chessboard. Basically it can only move two places forward and one place left o right, just like the letter L.
If the knight starts in the Top Left square...
Going into year 11 and stressing over my subjects and whether or not they are too hard, boring or just need thoughts/ advice.
my subjects are:
Extension Math
Advance English
Physics (wondering whether i should change to ipt but don't know if its good)
Modern History...