I applied for HECS and I dont how to change it to the deferred method, rather I'm stuck with the pay at a discount. Heres what I'm talking about:
Your current payment option is: Liable - Pay upfront with discount (S202)
You may therefore be entitled to change this to: Liable - Deferred...
I applied and accepted my E12 offer on sydney student, and they say we will get an email with our MyUni details and stuff, however I did not get this, anyone else waiting for it?
I plan to do engineering (made it into flexible first year at USYD for e12), but I want to find more info on the job sector. I was thinking of doing chemical just because the it seems I can go into a lot of industries (agriculture-ethanol, petrochemical, maybe mining?, pharmaceutical, etc) but...
Hey guys, making a thread to see what people got for the mechanic question in the test.
The .85 efficiency one I got 153N
Youngs modulus I think I made a mistake in my values not my method, got 343 gpa
Slope one I got around 1042N
The piston force I got was 350N and how much movement I got...
Math 3u: 81% 9/30 group average 58%
Maths 2u: 88% 5/50 group average 56%
Distance ed physics 4/12 got a "high" no percentage, considering outstanding is the best which noone got in guessing 80%
Chemistry: 70% 5/24
Engineering: 81% or 85% 1/12
Adv English: 65% 31/44 lol
School rank 233 in 2014
A friend of my mum's did one year of B of sci then transferred to law. I was thinking of doing the same thing, but I want to know how does this work? Can I still do this? and can do this with other courses like medicine, dentistry?
I think this is case of where the teacher doesnt do research into the question, because so far, I barely found any advantages of different common trusses. Anyone got some good info?
I have to write a speech on My last Dutchess and Porphyrias lover and how they are still relevant to study. I know it has textual integirty, and the langauge and monologue give insights to personalities embodied as victorian ideals, but I need more help on what I should be writing. Thanks<
Long story short, im dropping accelerated and need to pick bio. Bio has 24 students, can i still join. I was checking some legal document , it says no class NEED exceed 24, so im not sure how to interpret this, since we have a chem class of 26 ( we have two teachers when we do pracs)
title say it all, theres so much to engineeirng I dont know, like polymer chains, those vector diagrams (not simpel resultant ones, it ahs vectors and you draw them all straight and then make a traingle)
Im dropping year 12 accelerated maths to back to normal maths (im in yr 11), so I have to drop my physics to pick up biology. Is it hard to catch up (Im in term 3, theyre upto the forth dotpoint) on prelim bio, and how is its scaling compared to physics? I dont really enjoy physics btw
I have to write a 500 write report to "identify areas of current research and use the available evidence to discuss some of the underlying physics principles related to waves, such as the". I have to write on the internet and the digital process. I have no idea what to do, I have no idea how...