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  1. H

    2014 trials

    does any1 have any 2014 trials paapers for maths 2u? wud be nice
  2. H

    Any chance

    Rank is 50/90 for chem Is it possible to get a band 5 in the end overall? School rank 202 if that's helpful say if I do well in externals
  3. H


    So if u come 10th in an subject you get the 10th Mark right So A student gets 38% in an exam rank 8/15 B student gets 28% in exam rank 10/15 so does that mean the 10 guy gets 28%?
  4. H

    freaking out atar estimate

    school rank early 200 need an 85 for my course standard english 65/150 chemistry 40/80-90ish physics 30/90 maths 2u 80/130 engineering studies 10/13 marks are packed if i got 4% i would be tied 6th so my question is so if i get 65% as my final mark for engineering and i came 10th will i keep...