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  1. F

    The official year 10 MSN list :)

    hi all!!! I'm Fi.... :kaz.n: i was going to tell you about this brillig song and it's by a guy called punjubai (spelt all wrong no doubt) well i was thinking that because all/most people here will be looking to go into year eleven..........when our yr eleven trials start we should think of...
  2. F

    Trial Sc

    im new here sortda. but i got the impression that most of the ppl who use this site come from selective schools. i myself come from a shitttttttttttttty public school, eh, and i am completely foregoing that pride for the underdogs in education. GEt ME ouT of HeRE, lo, no hope for...
  3. F

    Trial Sc

    im new here sortda. but i got the impression that most of the ppl who use this site come from selective schools. i myself come from a shitttttttttttttty public school, eh, and i am completely foregoing that pride for the underdogs in education. GEt ME ouT of HeRE, lo, not hope for...
  4. F

    Soo Close

    nah, of course you have to study. though there are boundaries. I say go over what you have learnt, look at previous tests so you have an idea of what sort of answers you're required to give and GO FOR IT!
  5. F

    Guess What!

    Wow-a.....couldn't help but see you're advertsing yourself to be sixteen and DOING THE HSC. Sweet sixteen ;). I suppose you must get the child prodigy label a lot.
  6. F

    Soo Close

    Enough about the six hour study sessions :p. That's insanity. Like seriously it is all good in theory, but there is life after school (hours)....and you can have the whole yidda about schoool getting you there, but it's like going on holiday with ppl you don't like...beautiful scenery but what's...
  7. F

    what subject in yeart 11 would u like?

    i don't really have "a" sfavourite subject. For me it more about the time, and mind frame i am. What makes english different in 11?
  8. F

    what subject in yeart 11 would u like?

    i wouldnt know.. . but i do know that i do legal studies now and it is easy, you just have to do the legwork! What do you think about these sub's. English Adavnced Extension 1 Eng Mathematics Extension 1 Math Physics SDD :( I don't wanna do this but, Chemistry
  9. F

    Trial Sc

    Hmm, it was more like irritation then tiredness. Hmmm do most of you people go to private and selective school?
  10. F

    yr 11 subject selections

    hmmm I dunno about this....Do you have to do extension units? Like is it really going to help with ur uai marks. Or is it just something to make ur marks in eng and maths better- more understanding etc.. My teachers recommended the extensions for maths and eng to me, so yeah....there's my ego...
  11. F

    what are your electives?

    Hmm. i do art, legal studies and computer studies. Pretty easy stuff if you can be bothered
  12. F

    Hi! I'm new

    Hey, i'm a newbie too!!! Found this site beacuse i was looking up muck up day pranks for sister. Crazy fun! I am still soaked, but could be worse...some ppl got egged
  13. F

    Trial Sc

    that's true. Those were the pre-trials to the trials, i think. They were last years exams. Which is rather foolish, beacuse some people used last years exams to study off
  14. F

    what subject in yeart 11 would u like?

    Mwad, im doing SDD but ppl have said it is hard work. my incentive is...well, the fountain from which my determination and courage swayth to this battle...............i just show ppl gurlz can do it too. Plus it sounds do-able
  15. F

    Trial Sc

    We had science and civics today... too hot i'd say. My excuse...the answers melted off the paper, lol. I'm preparing properly next time round!