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  1. B

    Non Award

    Yeah thats what I thought too. You just have to pass the subjects your doing in 1 or 2 years and you can enrol in cant you?
  2. B

    Personal Statements

    Not nesceesary but would of increased chances. Compulsory for certain subjets/Universities.
  3. B

    Do you see yourself marrying outside your race?

    From my experience asians tend to look younger. Irish People go Dididely do didley dum and go on endless searches for pots of gold.
  4. B

    How should Bfs response to the tough questions by their GFs?

    Are you saying asians don't have big boobs :| Some guys don't even need picture to masturbate. Pictures --> Fantasise Mind = Collaboration of memories, pictures and motion/emotion --> Fantasise You said your sick of being an analyzer and breaking down comments. And you didnt use...
  5. B

    ok, first Photoshop question

    Go to Each Layer labelled "..... Me" Select Eraser tool Erase Me (Rasterize the layer - click on the scren with eraser then select OK when asked) Select next ".... Me" Repeat. Give me your addy, cause I've done it and I can send it over via MSN.
  6. B


    Or your DVD-Rom is dead (laser).
  7. B

    Holidays are too long.

    I can't believe I read that.
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    The Da Vinci Code...THE MOVIE

    :P Well I havent read Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, maybe I should close my eyes whenever the trailers are on. :D
  9. B

    Online units?!?!

    Its rather pointless if it doesnt count towards your degree :p But ECSD or something rather is a Career/Job Educational Course with online assessments and no final exam/mid exam. Come to Uni twice and that it.
  10. B

    Grade Appeal

    I would appeal my grades under the grounds of stupidity. Wish me luck.
  11. B

    wats WAM?

    The majority of Unis that I've seen have consitant Credit Point designations to all of its subjects. Only MQ (so far I've seen) has subjects that are not of equal value to any other.
  12. B

    wats WAM?

    Calculate yourself or use Estudent ;) WAM = Weighted Average Mark = All your marks / number of subject completed Some universities like UNSW/USYD use WAM (or entry for some specialty courses) as its gives a more precise idea of how a student performs compared to another. Eg...
  13. B

    Results Out

    I contested my first assignment mark because I lost 1% and I didnt follow through with it :| DARNIT. 84 sux.
  14. B

    Results Out

    NICE ONE !!! F*^!%@!*@^ 84 for ISYS123
  15. B

    MaQ Car Permits

    Jokes on you! I don't have a car! hahahaha Wait.....that ain't funny. :(
  16. B

    MaQ Car Permits

    I thought parking was free during holidays and weekends. Oh well.
  17. B

    library fine

    B0S has sold out. Fine - $1 per book per day
  18. B

    Not sure if i should post here

    Their programs are the same as the ones Macquarie run and same awards. :o