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  1. P


    hi, im doing an assignment on the elements that need to be considered when designing a training session and i dont understand what conditioning. Could someone please explain it to me. Thanks
  2. P

    Harder questions

    can people please post some hard questions that incorporate various topics in one coz our teacher said that our half yearly exam questions were going to be like that and i cant find any that are like that
  3. P

    About the Belonging Short story

    Just wondering is it possible to write the story in third person without the protagonist actually saying anything aloud and still get a good mark (13+) Thanks in advance
  4. P

    Business studies syllabus

    it was not until a week ago that i learnt that memorizing the syllabus was important for this subject. For some reason our teacher did not place any emphasis on learning the syllabus. I was wondering how much of the syllabus you have learnt and any acronyms, tips that would help me out. I'm...
  5. P

    Question regarding choice of related texts.

    Our prescribed text is The Crucible by Arthur Miller, and I was wondering whether the related texts I use must be related to the themes explored in the play? The related texts that I am currently debating over are: Dead Poets Society Shawshank Redemption The Power of One (novel) Any advice is...