So if your final % say for example is 85.3%, but another student's is 85.2% after all the internal assessments, do these marks both get rounded to 85% when they're sent to the board and thus share the same rank?
or do they stay the same?
Just playing around with some figures, before its official after my last set of results, but what would this get roughly? btw assuming only 1 unit of maths to count with sor counting
School Rank 130s - stick with this but i think this year's cohort is stronger
Eng Adv: 6/42
M/C: straightforward
S/A: was not expecting interfaith dialogue, but thought i bullsh!tted it well.
I did S/A for Christianity - first 2 questions straightforward, Baptism one not as good for me.
Extended was tricky - stimulus + how it shows living religious tradition. Did Islam and...
2015: criminal investigation process
2014: international crime
2013: sentencing and punishment
2012: discretion
2011: young offenders with stimulus
Anyone thinking compliance/non-compliance or moral and ethical standards? Maybe Trial Process?
How can global financial management strategies respond to global market influences and government influences?
Can someone please give me some examples of what I could talk about.
What would roughly these ranks roughly get
English Advanced: 6/45
Mathematics Adv: 21/38
Legal Studies: 4/39
Business Studies: 5/60
Economics: 4/11
SOR1: 8/40
School Rank: 130s
What ideas in relation to discovery are conveyed in this painting?
Any good techniques also? thankyou :)
Just another estimate with these subjects please:
1/60 - Business Studies
2/12 - Economics
8/45 - Maths
10/24 - Ext 1 Maths
3/40 - SOR1
4/20 - Modern Greek Continuers
6/40 - English Advanced
School Rank 130s
"Discoveries can enhance and renew our understanding about ourselves and others"
Could Meatworks connect to that in anyway? If so, how?
Which of Gray's poems work best with this questions?
School rank 150s
What would this combination get me
ADV ENG: 8/56 - 80%
Mathematics 2 unit: 20/55 - 68%
Legal Studies: 1/43 - 89%
Business Studies: 3/74 - 91%
Economics: 5/24 - 83%
Say these were my ranks what would my Atar look like
School rank: 150s
Adv English: 8/54
Mathematics : 25/60
Legal studies: 1/43
Business studies: 2/74
Economics: 5/24
Thanks :) just trying to get an idea of what type of ranks I'd need to get for the Atar I want for the Hsc course.
My exam is tomorrow, and pretty much my teacher is stingy with handing out papers to practice with.
Anyone done their exam and willing to PM me there Legal exam?
Willing to swap with other resources :)
Anyone have end of prelim Business Studies papers for practice?
2012-2015 papers preferred.
Thanks :)
P.S: Checked resources section, nothing really there.
As per title.
Let's all share our 2015 Final Prelim Papers here. Mine will be shared in a couple of weeks once we have them.
This can be any prelim subject at all. e.g. Maths, Eng Adv, Physics, Modern History etc.
It can be helpful to students who have yet to have there prelims, and for...
What would a supply chain for a Tutoring centre look like/include?
I'm a little bit confused on how to show this data. Is it just a table with pretty much the equipment needed and where you are getting it from?
Plz help/ Thanks guys :)