okay i was reading a booklet from the government about hecs... just to clarify some things it says you have to get the sheet from your provider(is this the uni you're attending/going ot be attending?). do we have to wait till we get offers before we can apply for hecs-help?
in a bachelor of arts do you get to decide what type of arts... i was looking through the uac book and i couldnt find B business management anywhere... so i was wondering if this comes under B arts?
it seems i can't attach anything but these questions are out of past HSC'scan anyone help me with these (1993-5aii-7bi)(1994-4ciii-6a(ii)(iii)b)(1995-6biii-7d,e)(1996-4c,iii-5c(iv)-6eii-7all)(1997-3c(iv)-4cii-5bii)(1998-2ciii-3c) thankyou, greatly appreciated
this is from maths online but the answer isnt explained enough for me to understand =(
show d/dx(1/2 .v^2)=dv/dt
the solution goes LHS=d/dv(1/2.v^2).dv/dx
i get that part, but the next part, it goes
so how does
d/dv(1/2.v^2) go to v
any help is appreciated
thnakyou =)
simply, in the school rankings list it has
exams sat/ DA/ %
okay i know what exams sat means, how many exams were sat at that school
what does DA mean, isit the amount of band 6's achieved at that school, or isit the amount of people who recieved a band 6 at that school
and % means the...
i)express sin4t + sqrt3(cos4t) in the form Rsin(4t +a) where a is in radians
ii)hence solve sin4t + sqrt3(cos4t)=0
part ii) i could do without the first proof, but i would still like to know how to do it with the above proof. mainly becasue the way i did it was easy
divide both sides by cos4t...
calculate hoe far an astronaut would need to be above the earth in order for his weight to be 0.01 his weight on the earths surface
i did it like this, Force or weight on the surface is F1.
the force at the distance from the surface where the astronauts weight is 0.01 that on the...
gah i dnt get this
A rocket has a mass of 30000kg, including 25000kg of fuel. It develops a 360000N thrust. calculate:
a)its acceleration at lift-off
b)the theoretical maximum acceleration of the rocket
c)the g-force by an astronaught under maximum conditions
i just wanna see what everone else...
i got a ridiculus answer of 123.6
could some1 plz explain it. thnx
part (iii)
this is the diagram, dnt worry bout the lil bit of scribble
questions here. also dnt worry bout the little scribble on this too, i was trying to find how to do the last part on (ii) and realised it was sum and...
how do u do part (iii) the way i did it i got 7pi/6 for time and for max volume i got 4m^3
also is part (ii) emptying because the rate of change when t=o isa negative value?
thnx in advance