I am interested in doing an BSc(adv. maths) with honours. Is it possible to 'minor' (?) in physics? Also, could i get a BPsy(Hons) at the same time as my BSc(adv. maths)?
Thanks =)
I am doing the HSC next year and i really need a band 6 in english to achieve my goal. So here is my question, how do you get a band 6 in english? Is it witchcraft, do you have to know every Shakespearian play? Do you constantly have to read books like moby dick and stuff?
How is it done?
After doing a few past papers (getting 115-120 in them), one of the big problems i have noticed with me is that i write out long solutions which crunches my time away.
So how detailed should our solutions be. See if a question requires us to solve sin(t) = -1/2 for 0 < x < 360 to find...
Hi, I have done a few particular questions and while thinking about it i dont seam to see how the question can be correctly answered. I would love for some input towards this issue. I will just give an example. "Xuan is saving up for a holiday. She invests $800 at the ed of each year at 7.5%...
I cant seam to understand how to solve these types of superannuation problems, i would really appreciate if you could show me the complete way please =) A school invests $5000 at the end of each year at 6% p.a. towards a new library. How much will the school have after 10 years? Thankyou