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    How to factorise and simplify this algebra?

    (x+y)2-1 . xy2-2xy+x _______ x __________ x2+xy-x . x+y+1 (please ignore the two "." in the middle)
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    Is Physics compulsory in first year Medical Science at USYD?

    I just received an offer into med science at USYD, and since i didn't do physics in highschool ..i'm afraid i might struggle with it. I've been hearing from people that physics isn't compulsory at UNSW for first year med sci ... and i'm just wondering if it is the same for USYD? Thanks in advance!
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    How hard is it to get into Grad Medicine at usyd from B medical science?

    I've recently completed my HSC and have placed B Medical Science at usyd as my first preference in hope of getting into grad medicine later on. I'm just wondering .. about what percentage of people doing MedSci get into medicine or dentistry? and what marks or averages would i need to obtain to...
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    "There are no certainties, only representations" .. any ideas what that could mean?

    Hi everyone, I'm attempting this question for my practice essay on conflicting perspectives. The question is: "There are no certainties, only representations". Discuss. I have no clue where to start .. so any suggestions what the question could mean?
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    I know it's kind of early, but why not. Estimate my ATAR please?

    School Rank: 182 Advance English: 12/62 Chemistry: 4/29 Biology: 9/63 Mathematics: 20/60 Maths Ext. 1: 14/29 SOR 2: 1/25 These are only my half yearly results, and i'm hoping to improve in all my subjects ... especially for maths...
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    Anyone know of any films based on asian immigration and belonging?

    Hey guys! My prescribed text is the memoir Romulus My Father and i'm looking for a related text (preferably a film) that would be based on asian immigration and their struggle to belong. I've had someone suggest to me "Mao's last dancer" ... but it seems that quite a lot of people are doing it...
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    Belonging Related Texts

    Hey Guys! :) So recently, i've just selected the novel 'The Spare Room' by Kathryn Lomer as my related text for Belonging ... and my prescribed text is the memoir 'Romulus My father' . I will be needing TWO RELATED texts for my half yearly. Anyone know of any other texts that would go well with...
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    Suggestions for international related texts for belonging? Thanks in advance!

    Or any suggestions for any good related texts for an advanced student is appreciated as well :)
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    estimate my ATAR please?

    Studies Of Religion 2U: 20/38 English Standard: 20/60 Maths 2U: 2/51 Maths Ext1: 2/21 Maths Ext2: 2/5 Physics: 3/5 Chemistry: 7/33 school rank: 198 thankyou!
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    Another ATAR estimate .... please and thankyou!! :)

    ATAR estimate :) SOR 2U: 2/38 English Adv: 7/88 Maths 2U: 13/51 Maths Ext1: 12/21 Biology: 9/67 Chemistry: 1/36 school rank: 198 thankyou!! (:
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    Friend's ATAR estimate please! :)

    SOR 2U: 20/38 English Adv: 68/88 Maths 2U: 1/51 Maths Ext1: 2/21 Maths Ext2: 2/5 Physics: 3/7 Chemistry: 10/36 school rank: 198 thanks :)
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    ATAR estimate :)

    SOR 2U: 2/38 English Adv: 7/88 Maths 2U: 13/51 Maths Ext1: 12/21 Biology: 9/67 Chemistry: 1/36 school rank: 198 thankyou!! (: