Heya friends! So I know that prelim exam week is the 8th of September - 19th of September, but does anyone have an idea on when we get our timetable for our subjects???? Fave band decided to release dates in the middle of the week :( :( :(
I am not allowed to do english advanced because I got my first ever C this semester which apparently reflects my ability to succeed in advanced. I am told I am not good enough for the higher class because I flunked 2 exams, yet they took into absolutely NO consideration my class participation...
Yo guys! I'm in the middle of the scary period of deciding my subjects for year 11 and 12.
I am really leaning towards advanced english (I love it), yet my grade for this semester was a C due to my hatred of Shakespeare. I do really well in most essays (full marks for history essays almost...