Qualified High school teacher offers tutoring for Chinese HSC course, including beginner, continuous, extension, heritage . My previous tutoring students got band 5-6 in their HSC. $45/hour for year 11, $50/hour for year 12. Would prefer to tutor around Ashfield, burwood, or inner west area...
It is a good time to start preparing your HSC for both Year 11& 12.
Experienced Chinese teacher offering HSC tutoring for Chinese Continuers, Chinese extension, Chinese background speaker as well as the NEW CHIENSE HERITAGE. My previous students were getting band 5&6 in their HSC...
Hi, I am a secondary school Chinese teacher. I would like to offer some private tutorial for anyone who will do HSC Chinese beginner/continuers/extension/background speaker 2010. I know exactly what you should do for your Chinese exams next year!
Grab the good time of this holiday and try to...