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  1. alex4nder

    Post trials Atar estimate please

    School rank - 400's Subject - trial mark - trial rank - overall rank Adv English - 70 - 5/20 - 4/20 Normally around 2 band 6's each year 3u maths - 66 - 2/4 - 2/4 4u maths - 66 - 1/4 - 2/4 Physics - 88 - 1/8 - 1/8 Biology - 94 - 1/23 - 1/23 Normally 2-3 band 6's each year Ancient -...
  2. alex4nder

    [Help] Getting In To Residential Colleges

    Hi guys, I'm currently completing my HSC and definitely considering staying in a residential college at Sydney Uni. Due to the high competition to get into these colleges, what can I do to best ensure I receive an offer? Also any general information regarding the individual colleges (for males)...
  3. alex4nder

    What if the Student Ranked 1st Bombs Their Exam?

    Hi, if the student is ranked first in adv. english by quite a large gap (~20 marks to myself at my rank of 7th/20) and -the highest exam mark is say 95 -the lowest is say 65 -my exam mark is 85 will this impact the distribution of marks for myself? Since I (hypothetically) was ranked at 20 marks...
  4. alex4nder

    Should I Drop Ancient?

    So at the moment i have 13 units, (you can see my subjects on my signature), I've already pretty well decided to drop extension english, however, I'm not so sure about ancient. I think I have the potential to do reasonably well in it, however, I wasn't enjoying it much in the last few weeks of...
  5. alex4nder

    Compiliation of the Most Entertaining Captain Speeches

    Post the funniest, interesting, entertaining and weirdest captain speeches that you have heard here! Personally, my captain's speech regarded leadership during the 'impending zombie apocalypse' and why I would be the best leader in this situation hahaha Post away!
  6. alex4nder

    Maths Extension - HarderCoordinate Geometry Help

    Hi, in harder coordinate geometry, dividing intervals into given ratios what does a partially negative ratio mean? Question is: Find the point dividing the interval AB into the ratio 7:-2, where A=(-3,2) & B=(7,-3) I have no idea what the -2 in the ratio does?? Is it to do with external...
  7. alex4nder

    96 ATAR - Ranks, Workload & Subject Choice

    Hi, I'm currently in year 11, aiming for a 96 Atar Current Subjects: Advanced English + Ext Advanced Maths + Ext Physics Biology Ancient History School Rank: 310 in 2012 (however that was a very strong cohort for my school), ~450 in 2011 & 2010 How much will my school's relatively...