guys do you think i still have a chance of getting an 80 ATAR
ahh my assesment marks and ranks are -
business 78% , 16th out of 92
standard english 70% , 40 out of 180
general maths 63% , 20 out of 120
legal studies 82% , 5 out of 42
pdhpe 77% , 10 out of 41
and i think my school is ranked...
well guys i need an atar of 80.00 cause you see my parents have given me this incentive that if i get 80.00 then they will buy me a car so i need it badly and the course i wanna do at uni requires 80.00 as well.
Well i just need an indication if i still have a chance thanks but my school is...
Do you guys think if hypothetically saying someone doing the hsc has average marks and ranks througout the year and then get's all band six's or majority of band six's in there hsc and trials will get a UAI of 90.
Also there school isnt very good there ranked like over 300
I mean just to...