Search results

  1. A

    Atar Estimate Please!!!!!

    hey guys, just wondering if you could give me a rough estimate on an atar my friend and I would get with these trial results and rankings. Thanks ! :) School Rank:96 Me: English Advanced: 69 (39/64) --> About 75 for the whole year IPT: 76 (3/24) --> About 85 for the whole year Maths Extension...
  2. A

    Atar estimate please?

    Hey guys, any guesses welcome and thanks for the help :) English advanced: 30/58 Physics: 17/28 Maths Ext1: 9/23 Maths Ext2: 5/6 Portuguese Continuers: 2/8 (1/10 of a mark behind 1st) IPT: 6/29 Thanks for any estimates And school rank is in the 90s And what are my chances of...
  3. A

    Atar estimate please? :D

    hey, so i just want to know what my atar would currently be at? starting to buckle down on studying lol English advanced: 30/58 Physics: 10/28 Maths Ext1: 9/23 Maths Ext2: 4/6 Portuguese Continuers: 2/8 (1/10 of a mark behind 1st) IPT: 6/29 Thanks for any estimates :) Edit: And school rank is...