I'm just studing for year 11 economics now, would really like some practice since I don't think the theory is too hard...
My school is buying the Catholic papers, I heard -- and I've searched around and tehre are no Catholic papers for Year 11, only year 12 trials.
Would anyone have it handy...
A prelim topic, I know but I'd really appreciate some help here.
Currently studying for an assessment test and need more info on
* Savings and determinants of the general level of savings
* The demand/supply of funds
It's worth 10 marks (both points) so I'm wondering what would be the...
Re writing legal responses to questions along the lines of: evaluate the effectiveness... you know, typical 20-mark worth questions.
Under exam conditions, I'm under the impression that you can't possibly be made to remember a crapload of legislations, articles, cases that are relevant to...