What are your prescribed/related texts...?
I'm using Brave New World & Neuromancer... hated Dune, even though I have more notes on it I think I'll stick to Neuromancer...
I think I'm using Fritz Lang's "Metropolis" and the 1950s version of "The Day The Earth Stood Still" << not sure about this...
I've left this very late... can anyone please help me by filling out this questionnaire? The PIP due date is looming... :cry:
Just put things in strikeout or underline etc. to make it obvious what answer you've selected... the questions with no 'answer' provided require input.
Is this actually possible..?
Has any one done this or does anyone know someone that has done this?
I'm in Year 12 at the moment, really struggling with a decision to move to Melbourne from NSW.
I know I could just do VCE, but a teacher at my school mentioned the possibility of HSC via...
I was wondering if anyone knows anything about transferring HSC to VCE?
I'm one term in to Year 12 in NSW, and am thinking of moving to Victoria in a couple of months. Is it possible to transfer/get credit for subjects and complete the rest of Year 12 in Victoria...?
What is the process...