Search results

  1. angel18

    Levlen Ed HELP

    Hey guys :) I recently started using a contraceptive pill (Levlen Ed) in the hopes of decreasing my severe period pain... Technically, I was supposed to get my period in a wks time from now but without reading the leaflet (a dumb thing to do I know =.=) I started taking the pill 3 days ago...
  2. angel18

    Med Sci Inquiry

    Hey all :) I'm considering transferring from my current course- biomedical science- at UTS into Medical Science at Syd... I'm aware that I will be credited certain subjects because I've already done some of them in my current degree but am unsure which ones I will be credited. It would be...
  3. angel18

    A Second Chance?!

    Hey all :D I was wondering whether or not I could re-do subjects which I didn’t score high in to improve my marks thus raising my GPA?... the reason I ask this is because I was under the impression that if I failed a subject which I didn’t really have time to study for, I would get another...
  4. angel18

    Microbiology Text Book

    Hey all :D Wanting to buy the General Microbiology Text Book: Prescott, Harley, and Klein's microbiology / Joanne M. Willey, Linda M. Sherwood, Christopher J. Woolverton.
  5. angel18

    Forensic Statistic

    hey everybody :) for all those people out there that have done/are doing forensic statistics, how is it as a subject? what level of math is required to do "well" in it? or better still does anyone have the subject outline for it... any thoughts/opinions would be greatly appreciated
  6. angel18

    Human Anatomy & Phys Txt Book

    Hey all :) I'm hunting for the Human Anatomy and Physiology text book--condition is not an issue as long as it's readable LOL...if anyone is willing to sell plz PM me as I really don't want to pay full price if I can avoid it Thanks!
  7. angel18

    Wanting to buy Med Sci books

    Hey there, I've recently began studying medical science at UTS and am in desperate need of the following books; * Biology 8th edition * Chemistry: central science To buy them outright at the Co-Op book shop will cost me an arm and a leg lol and am hoping that there is someone out there with...