Hi guys I've been thinking about applying to the co-op scholarship program for engineering but just wanna know a few things about it first.
I've heard that it involves work on the holidays with companies to get industrial experience. This is great but I just wanna know weather or not you still...
Do I apply for HECS/CSP through UAC undergrad or somewhere else? The thing is I already completed my uni application through UAC last month but don't remember being asked a question about payment method. Just need to know in case I should contact them.
Thanks a lot
what are the advantages and disadvantages of each, i didnt see phillip baxter but noticed that goldstein seemed to look newer and more renovated that basser
hi guys i have a couple questions about the engineering/commerce degree and the flexible first year for engineering and was just hoping that you could help me.
firstly, i would just like to know that if I do choose the flexible first year degree whether or not i would be doing the same sort...