My half-yearlies exams are held at the end of this month - so when are you guys having yours? I know some people have theirs at the end of this term.
What are you doing to prepare yourself for the exams?
As for me, I'm just doing revision ATM.
So far - for most of my assessments, I have been getting around 70% range, which is pretty shit if I'm aiming for 90 ATAR and over. I know it's only preliminaries and it DOESN'T count but I don't want to end up having a shit ATAR next year with same study habits (non-existent) I have. Right now...
Was it exciting as you thought? Or did you get work on the first day?
If you haven't gone back to school today, how are you feeling about going back to school?
I won't be going back to school until Friday. I'm dreading about it though. :(