I got banned on Careers Online, so I can't book events for 14 days. Is it still possible to attend events without registering? Would I still be able to attend the Careers Expo on the 11th?
Is there any reason I couldn't attend MATH1131 lectures that I'm not enrolled in? I want Pahor/Britz, but choosing those lecture slots results in timetable clashes (I might be able to get clashes approved, but I would prefer to go to all lectures if possible). Are exams taken in lecture halls or...
I just transferred to CompSci from MQ. I'm still figuring out whether I should enroll in MATH1131 or MATH1011 this semester. I only did 2U with a ~70 grade, but I managed to get a credit (70) in DMTH137 (equivalent to MATH1081, assumed knowledge for which is Ext 1). I covered a few Ext 1 topics...
I'm transferring to UNSW CSE from Macquarie BIT. I will be applying for credit transfer, although first year COMP courses at UNSW cover different material so I don't know if I will get advanced standing. In that case, how should I apply to get prerequisites waived for a COMP course? Many COMP...