Right now I'm in my second semester do i start my uac application for the transfer now or i have to wait till i've completed this semester to get my full time one year.
School rank 40-50
CSSA Trials Results
Maths Extension 2: 75%
Maths Extension 1; 88%
Advanced English: 72%
Business Studies: 85%
can i just get a atar mark estimate(so like if this was my external marks) based on these trials mark so i know what these raw marks would be post scaling
There is only 3 people in my extension 2 maths class and the other 2 are geniuses (one of them accelerated and state ranked extension 1, maths and topped japanese extension, rank 40 something school), if the gap between me and them are massive e.g. i get 60 they get 100 respectively). Will my...