Selling 20 Prelim/HSC Textbooks + Free Notes
WILL DELIVER!!! (in Sydney)
ABSOLUTE BARGAIN INDIVIDUAL TEXTBOOKS WORTH MUCH MORE. Just don't want to bother with the hassle of selling individually. Finished HSC ages ago and I just haven't got round to selling these...
Selling 20 Prelim/HSC Textbooks + Free Notes
WILL DELIVER!!! (in Sydney)
ABSOLUTE BARGAIN INDIVIDUAL TEXTBOOKS WORTH MUCH MORE. Just don't want to bother with the hassle of selling individually. Finished HSC ages ago and I just haven't got round to selling these...
Hey all
I've been accepted to griffith uni (BMedSc, provisional MD)
There's a few things I want to ask
I've heard people that have said the the shitter ranked people get bonded places in rural areas???
Is that true. And shitter ranks in the BMedSc or the MD course?
What GPA should I be...
I've had a discussion with a few friends from different schools and from my school
Is it just us or was physics either
a) had an extremely harsh marking criteria
b) or the alignment pathetically bad?
What did you get, what school rank and what internal rank?
Hey guys
if we run out lines for chem/phys
but there is like still space (no lines, typically where it says END OF QUESTION), can we still write there because fuck it?
or do we need a booklet
im not bothered to put my student number on like 10 booklets
and also the old women take...
Hey guys
I've received an ATAR estimate by my school of 98.10-99.95... Yeah like a 2 ATAR range helps at all.
The school has placed me in ranks 1-20 of the whole school, but how they calculate it is very dodgy.
Trial Mark
Estimated Overall Rank
4u Maths
=1/59 (equal with...
Hey guys
I'm asking for a friend:
is there any good or decent 2u math tutors around the Cabra region?
and for English as well. (Cabra region)
The friend is gonna be in year 12 this year. Any help would be greatly appreciated and thanks in advance! :)