As a current study in Commerce at USYD and an unlucky student of the HSC 2013 (whereby USYD and UNSW law cut-off both were 99.7) what are my chances of catching a break? (transferring, that is)
I need to make a decision between a major in Finance and Management. I plan to transfer into Commerce/Law with a focus on pursuing law (corporate and then private practice) but I am not sure what to major in within my Commerce degree.
For Finance: I'm worried about the mathematics elements -...
have been doing well throughout the year (top 20/120) but have dropped dramatically in the last task to around average and have not done homework or a single past paper.
i'm pretty sure it won't count because i'm doing a lot better in my other subjects (and i enjoy them a lot more) but it...
Sk00l r@nk: 5 (2012)
atar goal: 99.7 (yes, usyd law just curious to know if i can make it straight or need to transfer or do a JD)
eng: /170
maths 2U: /90
maths 3U /130
biology: /40
legal: /30
ancient: /20
what constitutes 'financial difficulty'?
hypothetically, would a complete loss of income* of one parent constitute as 'financial difficulty' and thus could receive EAS?
does anyone have experience in a similar scenario and go on to receive EAS?
school rank: rank 4-8 in the past 5 years
eng ADV: 17/169
maths 2U: 4/90
maths 3U: 14/140
legal studies: 4/30
ancient: 2/20
biology 2/40
this is after assessment 2 BTW, thanks!