"Lmao she's an idiot, she'll never find out".
Make sure to take a screenshot of the conversation and do not reply to her for at least 1 hour.
N.B Do not do this if you already have trust issues.
Post how you felt about the exams and later on the results you received (will be released on approximately the 16/12/2013).
Also you can discuss anything else related to your subjects during the Spring Semester.
Yesterday, I newly became a member of broadway gym. This is my first time to do weights, use the treadmill and use the bicycle machine . My concern though is when I used the barbell (I'm sure this is the correct name) I struggled to do even 1 up and down motion when it weighed 40kg + the bar...
For those viewers who watch MKR, which team do you hate the most?
Personally I hate Ashlee Pham & Sophia Pou (NSW Team - Gate Crashers) because they are totally ridiculous. They are so arrogant and should be quickly kicked out of the competition.
What about you?
Sorry everyone but my economics notes are all gone, starting from topic 1 - topic 4. My docx file seems like it got corrupted.
Now I'm really nervous and am trying to fix it but it doesn't seem to work at all.
Can anyone please just upload their notes even if it's brief from topic 1 - 4.
I know...
I'm trying to search if there are any other differences between bohrs atomic model and chadwicks atomic model, apart from the fact that chadwick had an neutron/s in the nucleus.
Are there any other differences for this one?
I did a question but I couldn't get the right answer. The link down is my working out, I just need to know where I did a mistake. Thank you.
Using the transformation method to solve:
√2 sin(x) + cos(x) = √3
asin(x) + bcos(x) is expressed in the form Asin(x + α)
For here, what is the value of A?
Since, A = √(a² + b²) => but I'm not sure if a = √2 since if I do it, it won't be a integer.
The answer I got is -21/√7 but the answer at the back is 21/√7.
If sin θ = 3/4 , 90* < θ < 180*, evaluate in surd form:
tan 2θ
I'm just wondering now if the answer at the back is incorrect.
Not sure what theory to use for this one. Thank you.
Find the value of each pronumeral, just not sure how to find 'c'.
How do I decide which method I have to take? Like sometimes I don't know whether I have to just use the "sum of the roots" or "sum of product of roots two at a time" or "product of roots". Is there like a general step I should look for before I start?
Question: 4x³ + ax² + bx + 6 = 0 has roots 2,3 and α. Find the values of a, b and α.
My working out:
2x3xα = -6/4
6α = -6/4
α = -1/4
2 + 3 + a = -a/4
2 + 3 - 1/4 = -a/4
-a = 19
a = - 19
I'm not sure how to get b though. Thank you.
Discuss the influence of international organisations and agreements and trading blocs in promoting globalisation.
How would I integrate economic growth, economic development in this essay?
Any small help is very much appreciated, even brief.
Thank you.