in the 2001 HSC paper for quanta to quarks there are these questions
c) describe how you carried out a first hand investigation to determine the pentrating power of alpha, beta and gamma radiation to a range of matierals
e) anaylse how chadwicks and fermi's work resulted in a greater...
Q-, Q8a
i understand u obv. have to f'(x) but in the worked solns in the maths. assoc book they take a step i just can't get. In their first line they go from
f(x) = (a+b+x)/3(abx)^1/3 to this
f'(x) =...
i am looking to do engineering/commerce next year at UNSW, the main reason i am doing the commerce degree is for the assistance it gives in later careers, moving up the management chain etc.
however I don't do business studies, eco's, etc, will this be a problem when doing the commerce...
hi i am currently in yr 12 and looking at doing Aeronautical engineering next year. I am looking to work in motorsport as an aerodynamist and have been advised by people in the indrustry that aeronautical engineering is the degree to go for.
Which Uni has a better degree USYD or UNSW?
i am...
hey i am looking to do aerospace engineering next year at UNSW, is it worth doing Aerospace Engineering/Commerce?,
does adding the commerce degree give a real advantage?
I am looking at working in Formula 1 and motor sport as an aerodynamicst after uni