The 2015 exam papers are being published here:
as they are cleared for copyright.
Fyi, copyright material like images and text passages can be used free in an examination, but cannot be published afterwards for study purposes unless...
From 3.30 pm on Wednesday, 6 November 2013, HSC students will be able to access their assessment rank order notices via Students Online. Students have been advised to check their rank orders in each of their courses, and to contact their school if they have any questions.
You will need your...
While you are sobbing in your cereal about the HSC timetable (OMG, 3 exams in 3 days!) spare a thought for VIC students who do 3 exams in ONE DAY.
2010 VCE Examination Timetable - Exams and Assessment - VCE - VCAA
Advice for the 2010 Higher School Certificate following a review of the 2009 examinations (Board of Studies) -
Not sure if this has been posted already. It's a videocast of the First in Course Award ceremony. See what some BOSers look like!
Video - NSW HSC awards presentation - The Sydney Morning Herald