Okay I've been seeing people use pi when doing trigonometric things. At my school we just use angles. Does anyone use angles as well or is my school just special?
I was just wondering whether you guys think free periods are good or bad or just annoying.
My school has 70 - 80 minute periods and the currently reconstructing the library so you have to sit in the cafeteria with a lot people and its just a pain in the butt (definitely if you don't know...
I am! At first I was excited to go into year 11 but now it has settled in that I actually have to pay attention in class and do homework and STUDY.
So I'm in denial right now that school starts in 4 days! Anybody with me?
I was looking through the book stores and they had VCE Accounting books. I was wondering if their syllabus is anything like the HSC syllabus. Is there any point of buying the VCE books as a secondary study aid?
Did anyone else leave the test between the allowance period?
I did for Geography/history and science because I finished SOOO early I tried to sit there and read over everything but I couldn't do it because Im not doing any of those subjects next year and was just a bit too eager to finish.
Next year (I'm in year 10) I have my subjects in mind:
Advanced English
Maths + Ext. 1
French Continuers
Society and Culture
I was just wondering Is this a good subject? I've been told its a good course but from people who haven't actually taken it so I thought...