I assume you're all familiar with the idea of "PEEL"
Point, explain, evidence, link.
But what exactly constitutes as evidence? Must i provide a quote from a historian? May i try to reason why my "point" is correct using logic? Should i just refer to general information form the course (eg...
How important are these factors in the full mark response:
-The presence of accurate dates
-The presnce of quotes from historians
-An argument, or a new idea about the question being asked.
They are all important, but How important in relation to each other are they?
Module A: 8 pages, went to town on this.
Module B: 7 pages, if not to town, went to a small residence on this.
Module C:......4 pages...
2 hours is not enough for this.
Heh. There's always like a thousand people every year.
Also, how many related/prescribed texts did your essay contain?
What Technique did you say the hands holding the house encapsulated.
Page counts.
8/9/6 here.
Physics 16/16
(yes im comming last, due to some horrifically bad practicals and hand ins that offset my performance... I get a good raw 85ish in every past paper i'v done, and im confident my external marks will be band 6 worthy... Though my school's ranked in the 150 range.. so, im...
For example, the multiple choice question in 2008, q5.
Space ship is travelling at 1.8 * 10^8, two light pulses .5 seconds apart are pointed at earth. To an observer on earth what is the gap between the pulses.
Now there's three ways to answer this question.
First, the basic randomly...
Stimulus for Creative writing
Post "ideas" like settings, character types, sub themes for belonging here"
Rules: Uniqueness is best, if you see that someone's already posted a certain idea, don't repeat it.
"lets add spoilers to the conclusion"
Need a full list of components to include in these essays:
-Blade runner and Frankenstein (Texts in time)
-Belonging (area of study)
-History and memory
For example, for Blade runner and frankenstein
I was thinking of a structure as this...
Coming midway in about every subject.
Maths 2u
Adv eng
School ranked ~130.
What's the MAXIMUM ATAR i can get, assuming that i got 100% in every external exam, but the rest of the cohort got marks fit for ~130 ranked school (hypothetically, ofcourse).
Does anyone know of a ATAR or UAI calculator takes in a "range" of estimated scaled external marks, your rank, and your External scaled mark. ANd produces an ATAR?
Down.. IF.. hypothetically if everyone in the entire cohort (including yourself) aced the HSC exam?
Lets say person A slacked off the entire year, realized "oh shet"... and then persuaded his 8 man class to all undergo rigorous perfectionist training to get 90+ in the exams.
Will the BOS...
Down.. IF.. hypothetically if everyone in the entire cohort (including yourself) aced the HSC exam?
Lets say person A slacked off the entire year, realized "oh shet"... and then persuaded his 8 man class to all undergo rigorous perfectionist training to get 90+ in the exams.
Will the BOS...
I'v just noticed that, in the standard's package, for a question such as "what is your personal understanding of so and so".
Unanimously, without fail, the band 1 responses all started with "my understanding" or had some form of first person.
Similarly the band 6 responses had no trace of...
What does the HSC scaled /100 column represent? (its the fourth column across, its values are unchangeable but set themselves based on what you type in as your HSC mark.)
Sure, everyone learns things differently, but there must be some fundemental force that drives the "click" causing a certain concept to be retained permanantly.
Im sure we've all experienced, the feeling with a certain concept that just sticks better than the others. "Oh, yeah im pretty good...