Search results

  1. S

    ATAR Estimate: Just Curious :)

    Advanced English:85 ranked 27/69 2U Maths:84 ranked 39/137 3U maths:73 ranked 30/86 Chemistry:78 ranked 13/53 Modern History:79 ranked 14/48 Music 2:80 ranked 6/13 Physics:73 ranked 30/49 School Rank 2011: 108 Kinda half assed year 11 especially Physics, but going to improve further...
  2. S

    Music 2 test help

    Can anyone help me how to recognize chords and positions in both orchestral and solo music sheets?
  3. S

    Hungarian Rhapsody no. 2 analysis

    Anyone know a site which gives an all out explanation/analysis of the Hungarian Rhapsody no. 2 by Franz Liszt? Thanks, currently doing a speech on this for music.. And I dont want to rely on Wikipedia.... :read: And does anyone know how to get Ross Hamilton music analytical note for free (I...
  4. S

    Chopin's Etudes op 10

    I would like to know which of the etudes from (1-12) is the hardest and most technically advanced to play? thnks :angel:
  5. S

    Resources help

    Does anyone have resources in any form (word document, text etc.) for year ten's history and geography notes for the SC?
  6. S

    Year 10 Resources ?

    Is there a place in this site where you can find resources and notes for year ten because most of the resources I have seen in this site is for year 11 and 12. Thanks :confused: