Hi all! Is anyone else going to the open day on 11th May or has anyone gone in the past. I know that I want to look at at the colleges, but I was wondering what else I should do with my time while I'm there. I've stayed for a week at UNE for RSSS last year so I know my way around Mary White &...
Has anyone done My Neighbour Totoro as their related? My teacher said not to do animated movies and now I really want to.... but I don't want to shoot myself in the foot. Did you or someone you know have any success using a Ghibli movie as a related?
Hi! I've heard that the prelim courses can be quite different to the hsc course, and I was wondering if this was true for physics. I'm not really enjoying physics at the moment, but my class will most likely do the Medical Physics option & I want to do med....
Do you think getting in contact with universities early helps with getting into courses?
UNSW has a rural clinical school right near where I live & so I'm trying to figure out if it will make me seem motivated or pushy to try to get into contact with them.
& has anyone got any tips on...