I study computer science and work as a developer for a big 4 company.
Sometimes I feel like hanging out with friends, dating people, raising a family, watching a football game with dad etc are some of the smaller moments of life but really make it worth living and what life is all about. I'm...
So I took two computer science classes last semester when I was doing arts to see if I could do programming. Turns out I was really good at it and got the results:
INFO1103 - 77% Distinction (last semester)
INFO1003 - 78% Distinction (last semester)
I transferred into BCST this year and...
I'm a second year computer science student at USYD. My main experience and interest are in web development and data science, I'm wondering if anyone knows the job prospects of these fields compared to software development.
I will take a software job if the opportunity comes up but I'm...
I really enjoy media. I thought I would pair it with Law as I enjoy it and I think knowledge of communications/technology is good because the legal industry is becoming more technology focused. Does this sound good? Or should I pair Law with something like commerce.
Thanks guys!
I've heard that some employers dont even consider applicants who went to unis besides UNSW or Usyd for Law. I want to go to macquarie (because its realistic for my atar 95-96), but will I be employable with a law degree from macquarie?
Im typing this drunk LOL
I just bought a copy of world of warcraft (i know, its sad) and a bottle of raspberry vodka
What did you buy after you finished?
I've had a rough past two years. I got a lot of special consideration and adjustment to my internal marks this year on the grounds of mental illness. I would normally get high 90s (95+) in everything I did but this fell to 80s and sometimes early 90s. My school saw I was underperforming...
Hey :)
Ive posted a lot about this before but the software and raw data table kind of confused me (I suck at maths) but I think an estimate from the pros would be fantastic.
my aligned externals and an atar estimate would be fantastic!
Here are the raws I think I will get
Maths 73/100...
I know it cant be exact, but a rough conversion would be fine
Economics - 85 rank 2/8
Modern History - 91 rank 1/7
Extension History - 44 rank 1/1
Mathematics - 73 rank 5/15
English Advanced - 92 rank 1/45
Biology - 84 rank 2/20
I came first in most of these subjects, so i dont think...