so like i go to james ruse and like i do the asian 4 and i am coming first in all the asian 4 subjects.
do you reckon i can get an atar of 96 and get into commerce?
im coming first in everything but not sure if i can get 96.....
if i dont get into commerce my asian parents will put me on a...
One of my friends is considering doing 6 subjects next semester with contact hours at about 28 hours p/w.
Not sure if she will be able to handle it.
Has anyone ever done 5 or 6 subjects a semester or know anyone who has?
If so, what was it like?
Breaking: UWS evacuated after attempted gun point robbery - Local News - News - General - Penrith Star
STAFF and students were evacuated from the University of Western Sydney, Werrington South, this afternoon after a man with a gun was on campus.
Police officers remain at the university...
Following on from last year's thread of the same title.
Get some chatter happening for the UNCLE students of 2010.
Today I saw a guy put his coffee on the roof of his car as he got in, and then drive off with it on the roof. Had a bit of a chuckle.
Could someone please explain to me what mechanical engineering is and what a mechanical engineer actually does?
Ive been on various university websites looking at mech eng, but they all seem to give a very broad and vague description of what it is and what one does.
Any help would be greatly...
The N64 was one of the greatest gaming consoles.
What are your top 5 games?
Mine are:
5: Donkey Kong 64
4: The legend of Zelda; Ocarina of time
3:Super Smash Brothers
1: Super Mario 64
Tossing up between civil engineering and combined civil engineering/business for next year. Is it worth doing a combined degree such as that, in terms of career prospects? Or is it just a waste of an extra year? I also heard that combined degrees give you a more general engineering degree as all...
Does anybody know what external mark would be needed to achieve a state ranking? Normally the first 20 in PDHPE recieve one. Im assuming it would be 97+? Any info at all would be greatly appreciated