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    Please help I'm freaking out what do I do?

    Ok so I was trying to enrol in my classes but 2 of them clashed, and after I enrolled in one they wouldn't let me enrol in the other one. So while I was trying to sort out this clash the class they wouldn't let me enrol in filled up and now it's full and they won't let me enrol in it. Classes...
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    Is it possible to ask the uni if

    they could enrol me in a full class for one of my tutorials? Because otherwise I will have to go especially on Friday just for this one class and this will really limit my employment flexibility because I won't have a single day free. Also if I lie and say it's because it will clash with my...
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    Is it possible to ask them if they could enrol me in a full class for one of my tutor

    Because otherwise I will have to go especially on Friday just for this one class and this will really limit my employment flexibility because I won't have a single day free. What can I do?
  4. 2

    God I got so bad but can I still achieve my atar aim? Please help? :(

    I'm not going to post my exact HSC marks here but I got 2 band 5s, 3 band 4s and 1 band 3. I know I did so terrible I really hate myself. But can I still get 90+? Or maybe even 94? If I can't please tell me now because I don't want to be hoping like an idiot. Also my assessment marks weren't...
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    I'm considering taking my name of the newspaper list (when they publish it)...

    Does it matter if I leave it on/take it off? What difference does it make? (This isn't a rhetorical question, I'm genuinely asking).
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    Is it possible to replace all words that are the same in Microsoft Word with 1 click?

    Like if I wanted to replace all 'and's in a document with ampersands. Or even all apostrophe with inverted commas. Or do I have to do them all manually
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    How accurate are you school ATAR estimations? I'm really scared...:'(

    Omg I am really worried because the estimate the school gave me after Trials is way below what I it possible to increase? I'm sorry I can't be specific and say exactly how much but is it possible?
  8. 2

    What is the difference between metaphysical conceit and metaphysical wit?

    What I thought it was was that wit was the use of intelligence to produce the conceit, & conceit is the result. However this booklet I have goes "It is mainly a matter of nuance. ‘Wit’ and ‘conceit’ were both aspects of a mental set, shared by writers and readers who looked for analogies and...
  9. 2

    Why can't I view folder files when I open my USB folder?

    And when i try to save something in Word, the folders do not appear in the window that pops up. But they're there, I just can't find/view them. This just changed one day without me doing anything. Can anyone help??
  10. 2

    Is it plagiarism if...?

    I take an idea of a story and use it for my story? Ok I don't mean same story, characters, themes, etc., I mean like, e.g., if I used a hot vampire and a girl in my story which is similar to Twilight (sorry, easiest e.g. I can think of). But the characters are different. So is it plagiarism if I...
  11. 2

    Can someone explain these questions to me?

    How are perceptions of belonging shaped by personal, cultural, historical and social contexts? Also what does it mean when it says perceptions of belonging are shaped in & through texts? And - what is the relationship between language, text & context?
  12. 2

    Can someone explain to me what parts of this module (I'm doing NTGlobal)...?

    I have to find related texts for? I'm really confused. So far I've done the texts Lost in Translation, Shipping News & some Heaney. Can anyone help?
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    Is it ok to change related texts mid-exam?

    Like if you have say 4 prepared, and you use 2 for one question and then a different 2 in another question, can you do that? Or do you have to use the same ones throughout the exam Yes that's what I meant lol sorry people
  14. 2

    What do I do??

    I want to do the movie Bend it like Beckham as a related text but everyone says it's overdone and I'll bet it is, but I think it relates well to my prescribed text which is The Namesake. If I don't do it I will have to do the text I was originally going to do, which is The Breakfast Club which...
  15. 2

    Is it a good idea to incorporate belonging quotes into an essay?

    When the essay is about prescribed & related texts? Like say the quote (found randomly on the internet) is fitting for a topic or theme I want to introduce that are in the books. Can I say, e.g., 'Oscar Wilde once said... and this is relevant in the Text 1 because...'?
  16. 2

    Can I both agree & disagree in an essay?

    Or is this regarded as "sitting on the fence" & I have to pick a defenite stance? Because I think one of my related texts differs in some areas to my prescribed text and I was wondering if I could just say 'Text 1 argues that...HOWEVER, text 2 represents this notion as bad...' etc
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    Does anyone know where I can find an HSC exam outlines saying what is each part?

    Like how much time we get for each part, what the different sections/parts are e.g. creative etc - this part especially. Or do we only know in the exam? Sorry if this is a stupid question but I have to know Omg Aerath that's exactly what I'm looking for, I wonder if there are any more posts...
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    Are Into the Wild and V for Vendetta good texts to use for Navigating the Global?

    And is Pursuit of Happiness good for it? Oh and There Will Be Blood? By good I mean do they have a lot of references to/include the paradigms. I need a movie because I already have a novel Also do you think that many people will use any 1 of them? Because I don't want to use a popular one
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    What percentage do I need to get in all my assessments for me to get a UAI of 95+?

    Is it possible to tell me without me having to make any specifications If it's not than tell with specifications sheesh didnt know i had to make THAT clear