below is a copy of my timetable (im studying vet. science this year)
for some times, it says "for practical and tutorial times see unit of study timetable". what is this, exactly? what is the unit of study...
Hi, for my UAC app i put "none" for "alternative entry schemes". My question is whether the EAS application, more specifically the Broadway scheme for USYD falls under an "anternative entry scheme". If so ill need to phone uac and have it changed :S
This is an open question for those studying Yeats' poetry; How many poems have you prepared for? I know in the past they've asked for two or three or even a specific poem.
I know two poems really well, and i've got quotes and ideas lined up for a third in case they ask us to write about 3.
This is the beginning of a creative writing piece ive just written based on belonging and i just wanted a judgement of the quality of my writing:
“But I really like you!”
“Stop following me! CREEP!”
Greg watched the girl storm off from a distance. He watched as the boy’s head flopped...
Cumulative ranks are as follow:
English adv.
13/63 (ranked 5th for trial exam)
3/68 (1st for trial exam)
Maths ext 1.
8/43 (6th for trial exam)
1/21 (1st for trial)
3/42 (2nd for trial)
8/44 (5th for trial)
2008: 154
2007: 60
Could somebody help me with this dot point:
Identify Planck’s hypothesis that radiation emitted and absorbed by the walls of a black body cavity is quantised.
I kinda understand the black body radiation stuff, but i have no idea what that has to do with the quantum theory/planck's hypothesis...
The following are cumulative ranks for the assessments we have had so far.
English adv: 32/61 =(
Mathematics: 1/78
Maths ex 1: 11/47
Biology: 1/24
Chemistry: 2/44
Physics: 11/43
School ranked 154 in 2008 and 61 in 2007.
Thanks a bunch. =D
Has anyone been to those HSC seminars about the 'secrets of success to the HSC' where they teach you stuff about time management, stress, improving memory etc?
My question's a pretty simple one. Are they worth going to? I mean, they're pretty expensive and i question how much you can actually...
Im in year 10 right now and i was wondering if it would be hard for me to get a uai of approx 98.5 with these subjects due to scaling, aligning and whatnot (yea, i dont know what im talking about :P), which is why i need your help.
My subject choices are:
3u maths
advanced english
for me, i dont want to do bad because here's how i think. the sc is supposed to be easier than the hsc, if i do bad in this, how am i supposed to do well in the hsc which is a harder exam? Then again there are probably dozens of variables im ignoring :P
For people who have already done their...
i'm currently in year 10 and i chose sdd as a subject for year 11 + 12. I've heard mixed opinions as to how sdd scales. I do enjoy the course, but some people say it scales well, some say not so well... Can anybody clarify for me? Keep in mine im aiming for a uai of 98.5+