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  1. G

    any world order ppl..essay (b)

    The "Compliance with the law is necessary to achieve justice for all" question jst seemed better... but umm.. well im not the best legal studies student around its not my fav subject but i used the Gulf War, East Timor and Sri Lanka. So are you finished yet?? i wrote bout 7 and a bit pages...
  2. G

    any world order ppl..essay (b)

    why did u choose the b essay... the other one was a lot more applicable to world order....
  3. G

    Tech Questions about Project

    very true...
  4. G

    Tech Questions about Project

    did u guys know that quotes actually dont count in the word count... mine was bout 3200 all up but the teachers said that noone would be counting.. even though our limit was 2500... but yeah quotes dont count.... its rule of thumb in uni and stuff
  5. G

    putting notes and qstns on

    hey there ext history student.... i think all u guys should do everyone else a favour by putting ur notes and stuff on the site so we can all benefit... there has been nothin put on from this year so why dont we all make our ext history stuff... although hard.... better! i...