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  1. B

    im panicking...

    Thank you! You understand me so well and that's so relieving. The HSC definitely not an easy year, and yes, I have forgotten important stuff for my majors and other subjects too and that's done no good. It's even harder and unlucky when it's for a hand-in task. But thank you for your advice, I...
  2. B

    im panicking...

    Yeah, I got that. I'm just trying to figure out how to approach the head teacher about this. I have so much on my plate even on 10 units, I have 3 majors. Thanks for your help!
  3. B

    im panicking...

    I'm just trying to figure out how I can approach the head teacher and negotiate something, such as reducing half the total marks. It would be unfair for the other students. Thanks for your help :smile:
  4. B

    im panicking...

    i am honestly such an idiot. last term, i failed to hand it an assessment that was due on the last day of school. i had a whole day workshop for my major subject that day and i completely forgot to hand in my assessment to my teacher who was probably waiting for me. i know that forgetting is the...