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  1. D

    Anyone going to Southern Cross at lismore??

    yeah, i'm going to do the bachellor of IT.. unfortunatly i no longer have transport to lismore(live 50kms away) - other person i was going to get a lift with got a late offer in QLD so she took it.. now i have to decide if i'm going to defer it(Ok, TRY to defer, dont know if they'll let me...
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    The letter has come

    WTH? Why would i bother.. they put me through hell with their curiculum.. but.. meh cant be bothered wasting more time on them! :D -=DD32=-
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    The letter has come

    At least their useful for something other than giving out numbers to rank students against eachother with! :) -=DD32=-
  4. D

    The letter has come

    I got an email.. I suppose you didnt give them your email address. :)
  5. D

    The letter has come

    Should've turned the page over. B = achievement in qualifications isnt sufficient to enable an offer. P = you do not meet the course prerequisites. DD
  6. D

    Uni Acceptance

    Uni of Woolongong offered me a place with them in Comp. Sci. i was 7.9 below their uai cutoff.. mind you i decided against it anyway. In short, If a uni thinks that your uai may have been limited by doing crap in a subject(like i did), yet you went really well in asubject or 2 thats...
  7. D

    The letter has come

    I was told to disregard the UAC letter and that the pack they send out will have the forms that need to be filled in. May see you around.. we'll see :) - contact details are in profile, rraly on BoS these days though ^^
  8. D

    The letter has come

    Hope you dont mind listening to several automated messages trying to overpower eachother!(different messages cutting the others off mid sentence) EDIT: they just rang me back, their sending out new packs on monday. i'm on hold while the operator runs off to find out the lapse date of the...
  9. D

    The letter has come

    just rang them on 1800 626 481, Operator said its happened to alot of people, i left my details and was told they'd get back to me shortly about it, UAC must've stuffed up :) Bachelor of IT - Lismore campus. Went to lismore high. i waited about 5 minutes on hold, lady laughed as soon as...
  10. D

    The letter has come

    Same Here EDIT: just rang them on 1800 626 481, Operator said its happened to alot of people, i left my details and was told they'd get back to me shortly about it, UAC must've stuffed up :) Yep.. i got into SCU as well(first choice) And... well heres a damn usyd stuff! WTF? When do i have...
  11. D

    Parents Reaction to UAI marks

    Well 3 things to say: 1. Got waht i deserved for the year, fucked up chemistry and maths, and dont really care :) 2. Got a UAI of 69.10, not that bad, but alot less than most would've expected(Quite alot of my 'fellow students' thought i'd get >90, yeah, maybe, had i have put alot of effort...
  12. D

    Exam Paper

    I cant see any posts on this, but has anyone posted up the Chem exam? i've got a forum of people wanting to see what it was like :) -=DD32=-
  13. D

    Multiple Choice

    I can see where you are coming from there, But personally i can see a need as being specific. ie. "The objective of the project is to make a program which will do the payroll/tax, The needs include tax calculation and automated BAS forms" Allthough i could see it being the same the other...
  14. D

    Multiple Choice

    7a: a need is: a essential component, objective is: a broad statement. 7b: a need is: a broad statement, objective is: an essentual component. Definatly 7a :) objective is waht you aim for, a need is what specific must be there. -=DD32=-
  15. D

    The "I feel awful because everybody else in this forum is so brilliant" thread...

    Perhaps the reason so many of us are here are smart because we're sticking away from the topics/other forums we miserably failed ;) -=DD32=-
  16. D

    What mark do you think you got?

    Weeeeelll i got a post marked as important! wh00t! :) I know shit all chemistry, hey... i tried studying and got no where.. and ended up studying for ipt and software...which were the easiest exams.. so i lost outthere. Supprisingly considering i usually cant hanswer half the chem paper i...
  17. D

    The "OMG I've Finished the HSC" thread

    Whoot! Finally, IPT last night, chem this morning and SDD this arvo... and i'm done and done, Sh?t easy exams though... exept for the 3tests for english adv. mod b( i think?) all the exams were waay easier than past years it seems... -=DD32=-
  18. D

    HSC Exam Paper

    yeah it seems they really took a step back with the difficulty levels of all the exams... well exept for english module b asking for 3 texts.. -=DD32=-
  19. D

    Multiple choice [C o r r e c t a n s w e r s]

    Take your own advice? (EDIT: No offence intended) process(j,k) process(1,2) is called k = j k = 1 print k So the output will be 1, and then 3 in the main program. Therefor the correct answer is B -=DD32=-
  20. D

    Multiple Choices

    My answers: 1. C 2. C 3. B+(People seem to think this is C, Personally i went B as in the planning you tend to design algorithms.. and design.. well you design the code in my mind... implementation to me is the actual putting into place where its going to be used, but that might be nme...