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  1. Zeref

    The Anime Thread

    In whiteeeee: Every death took me on a feels trip ;( except for scums like V.V....... Fun Fact: I watched code geass while I was in Year 9 or 10, being the immature sh*t that I was (probably still am) I always thought that Lelouch "did it" with Euphemia cuz she was naked with her dress lying...
  2. Zeref

    The Anime Thread

    reply in white: Let's not forget who killed Shirley and the fact that Lelouch was planning to kill Rolo anyway.
  3. Zeref

    The Anime Thread

    The rate of how fast cherry blossoms fall.......and the speed of city-rail.
  4. Zeref

    Official BOS Mathematics Seminar: "How to solve problems."

    Person 1: Oh hai, what's your BoS username? Person 2: What's BoS? Person 1: Wat. Person 2: Wat. Person 1: Oh hai, what's your real life username? awkies.
  5. Zeref

    HSC Physics Marathon 2013-2015 Archive

    Re: HSC Physics Marathon 2014 iirc a geo-stationary orbit has an altitude of 35800km so just add the Earth's radius on top of that.
  6. Zeref

    HSC Physics Marathon 2013-2015 Archive

    Re: HSC Physics Marathon 2014 I don't there are any atm. gogogo
  7. Zeref

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    I never knew that xD
  8. Zeref

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    lol wait I didn't mean like it's some sophisticated ranking thing XD
  9. Zeref

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    Settings -> Edit profile Scroll down until you see the customer user title thing
  10. Zeref

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    That's probably the levelling system lol. Or you can change it like I did.
  11. Zeref

    Official BOS Mathematics Seminar: "How to solve problems."

    EDIT: Yup it's fine :)
  12. Zeref

    Official BOS Mathematics Seminar: "How to solve problems."

    Settings->Edit Signature Your signature shouldn't come up when I quote you.
  13. Zeref

    Official BOS Mathematics Seminar: "How to solve problems."

    If I press quote like I did just then, your subjects come up in the quote meaning you copy and paste that in every time you post something. Instead of doing that, you can set it as your signature in your profile to avoid copying and posting every time; it does it automatically for you.
  14. Zeref

    Official BOS Mathematics Seminar: "How to solve problems."

    BoS people sit on the right and the non-BoS people sit on the left :P btw you can set your subjects as your
  15. Zeref

    Official BOS Mathematics Seminar: "How to solve problems."

    Out of curiosity, how many year 12's are going?
  16. Zeref

    Procrastination subjects

    Anything to put off english
  17. Zeref

    The Zokunu Chronicles: My HSC, and how I progress

    Nah I'm printing my own ones.
  18. Zeref

    The Zokunu Chronicles: My HSC, and how I progress

    Ahhhh. I'm planning to print out my notes as well, for some reason I don't like reading off a laptop/pad. His physics notes has a bit of colour :P What do you mean by "his"? :P
  19. Zeref

    The Zokunu Chronicles: My HSC, and how I progress

    How much did it cost printing it out? How many pages? Did you print in colour?
  20. Zeref

    The Anime Thread

    natsu getting replaced by taeyeon LOL dat wink <3 _ <3