If you dont like Android your kind of a bit hamstrung... youd be looking at blackberry or iphone, other than that the only option are the windows phones, but they dont have instagram so not much point there! Id probably go iphone of blackberry!
Casual or whatever doesnt matter super needs to be paid....
"Generally, you're entitled to super guarantee contributions from an employer if you're between 18 and 69 years old (inclusive) and paid $450 or more (before tax) in a month. It doesn't matter whether you're full time, part time or...
They will post you a group certificate if you provide a forwarding address. If you have been paid super before then you should have a super fund and should have supplied this to them. If not ask them and they will most likely be making contributions to an automatic fund if you havent provided...
Do you have an Australian Tax File Number that you have provided them? If not then they withhold a different amount of tax. If they are withholding 30% then yes they are withholding tax. They pay it at the end of each quarter. They should be paying super if your an Australian resident, as I said...
To get into trading at the banks you will need the experience more than studying. I deal with bankers daily in the trading divisions, and you cant really get in there fresh from graduating, you start at the bottom and work your way up. I would be applying for a part time role at any Bank and...
I studied International Business, it was definitley useful as I applied for jobs at International companies. It gives you the same skill set as studying marketing or management but you learn to deal with different cultures which is extremley handy in Australia, especially if you can do some...
I studied business and worked 3 days a week studied 2 (which was basically full time load as I squeezed all my classes into those days). If you are good at multi tasking id go for full time study and part time work, a lot of employers are flexible these days so you should be able to find some...
Re: do finance or economic jobs require any aspects of accounting. If there is im fre
It will help to have some basic knowledge, but not really essential. I would say you would be better off getting some job experience dealing with a little bit of accounting (ie admin at an accounting firm) as...