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  1. O

    Preparing for Viva Voce.

    Its like a discussion, so create as many situations as possible, create heaps of questions that you may be asked to discuss. Create key words that link each other so they open related threads in your head. This is what i did, i got 15/15
  2. O

    Help with manipulation please

    ur a retard why are you on bos? shouldn't you be at lakemba mosque
  3. O

    u are extremely hideous i have seen ur picture

    u are extremely hideous i have seen ur picture
  4. O

    hi there friend, now SHUT UP

    hi there friend, now SHUT UP
  5. O

    no u fugly

    no u fugly
  6. O

    you look like shrek

    you look like shrek
  7. O

    Is the HSC really that important?

    you have a brain? stop talking shit
  8. O

    look, i just made you shut up

    look, i just made you shut up
  9. O

    Does General scale really badly?

    I do have official data. It's called 2008 Scaling Report. Refer to UAC website for the report. That's because I AM superior to little year 9 student like yourself. Calling my post bullshit is merely a euphemism of calling me bullshit. you are quite shit at maths actually if you were...
  10. O

    i thought you were gone, fucking shut up

    i thought you were gone, fucking shut up
  11. O

    P.S. I abhor you

    P.S. I abhor you
  12. O

    "I am bored from responding to you now. GOODBYE." is a euphemism for "I suck at debating...

    "I am bored from responding to you now. GOODBYE." is a euphemism for "I suck at debating compared to your superior arguing skills, I lost!"
  13. O

    oh so you have this separete line dividing cyber AND real world? That's interesting. So who am I...

    oh so you have this separete line dividing cyber AND real world? That's interesting. So who am I dealing with now? Your cyber existence or your real you? Because I think both are retarded. And if you don't have decent friends from your so-called cyber world, you wouldn't have any from the "REAL...
  14. O

    better than non-existent cyber friends you have. it's all your wild imagination dumbass. u just...

    better than non-existent cyber friends you have. it's all your wild imagination dumbass. u just got killed
  15. O

    at least i have got decent friends and you don't. Ohhhh!!! snap

    at least i have got decent friends and you don't. Ohhhh!!! snap
  16. O

    according to your theory, i am human. btw my level of retardedness is under control, whereas...

    according to your theory, i am human. btw my level of retardedness is under control, whereas your isn't. and i am not talking to you, i am responding specially to your retarded mind. but that retarded mind is all there is to you anyway. HAHAHAHA
  17. O

    i am seeing how you are changing the subject everytime you post, clearly you have some...

    i am seeing how you are changing the subject everytime you post, clearly you have some communication problem. your level of retardedness clearly has overcome your brain and affecting every sense possible. poor girl, kill yourself
  18. O

    yeah, she did. i go to mentally gifted institution of nsw. but i think i saw you when my mate...

    yeah, she did. i go to mentally gifted institution of nsw. but i think i saw you when my mate got his brain addled and went to retarded school of nsw.
  19. O

    i don't know how being a premier's award winner could lead to 60 UAI, you sped.

    i don't know how being a premier's award winner could lead to 60 UAI, you sped.