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  1. Y

    What if your sick and away from school?

    Yes, I know, but twas just a random thought off the top of my
  2. Y

    What if your sick and away from school?

    Hi guys. sooo, for all of this week ive been away from school sick:mad1: All im worried about is the pile of work that i'll have to catch up on! so It got me thinking.. Why isnt Australia like the U.S., where they can 'hook up' to their classroom via sattelite and webcam? The same problem...
  3. Y

    UAI/ATAR course requirements?

    you can get the course books that the university publishes.. also try their website. Degree Programs / Faculty of Health / Faculties & Schools / The University of Newcastle, Australia
  4. Y

    What is 'modality'?

    It goes along with credability. Something that has a high credability or modality is believable, convincimg realistic Something of a low modality/ credability is something not so convincing to the audience