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  1. L

    textbooks for sale: ACCG253 ACCG340 BUSL301

    ACCG253 - $80 (Essentials of Corporate Finance + Connect Plus, 2ed, McGraw-Hill) BUSL301 - $70 with extra printed notes and past papers (Company Law Notes, Author: Quilter) ACCG340 – $110 with notes and past papers (Modern Auditing and Assurance Services 5E, 5th edition, John Wiley) all in...
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    busl320 2012 new textbook required?

    hey, anyone doing busl320 this semester? i wonder if we MUST buy the updated version of textbooks... a friend of mine told me that the unit materials are mostly the same as last years, so does that mean buying second hand textbook is fine? :confused2:
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    accg330 & accg399 & busl320

    hi guys, does anyone got accg330 / accg399 / busl320 past papers or tutorial answers that they can share? i would be very appreciate for that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    winter course anyone?

    hey ppl, does anyone have been applied for winter course in mq? I was wondering about it... when do I actually need to apply for it? also, is the application for winter course before releasing sem1 results? and course start straight after sem1 exams period?