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  1. S

    Medicine interview preparation

    dp624... That is correct.. I got into Grifitth Dentistry (however I did not join) 'cos got offers of Medicine at Sydney, Newcastle and Adelaide.. Schoey... if that satisfies yr curiosity!!
  2. S

    Medicine interview preparation

    Yes I attended the interview and got selected for Dentistry at Griffith (Gold Coast Campus). Happy to assist you. Please contact if interested.
  3. S

    Medicine interview preparation

    This post is not dodgy as Schouey presumes!!! I have 80% success rate so far.
  4. S

    Medicine interview preparation

    Very high success rate..... If you are a HSC student or a Graduate, a high UAI, passing the UMAT/ GAMSAT and a successful interview is your doorway to a career in medicine in Australia. I am a 2nd year medical student and I will prepare you with a unique form of interview training on an...