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  1. D


    heh... i enjoy ancient history... but im thinking of going out and getting hammered right now so that might make me fail it....
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    Anyone taking the risk of only studying for the Persian Wars?

    Well gl on that, all i can say :)
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    Greek World 500-440 Bc what do u specialize in?

    Well from this era i enjoy the persian wars more then the delian league as an event, however i like the delian league to write about. I never much liked athenian democracy, spartan society was so much more interesting in that area.
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    Spartans - What ancient Greek writers wrote

    The ancient writers, about half supported, half hated. By the sound of the question what was requested was accessing the bias of certin ancient writers and a comparison. But im guessing thats been said. :)
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    Sparta Help

    well she covered it pretty much perfectly, might want to add that the helots also did construction, and that the Periokoi handled all trade, even if officially according to spartan law, trade and exchange of currency wasnt supposed to happen, there was however a harbour to the south so there was...
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    Just beginning Ancient history HSC, advice?

    well ill be willing to help if your doing sparta, the persian wars and the aftermath and akhenaten, just pm me with what you need. Oh and of course P&H
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    Sparta's Fall

    i dont have notes but i could write an essay on that, hell i didnt even study the fall and i still could. :) but in short the fall was of 3 main reasons. The spartan society, the way in which it was structured couldnt support the empire that they gained after the pelo wars. With the...
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    Favorite fictional character

    Two words... Denny Crane! oh and id also like to meet gordon freeman, dont think he'd be much of a conversationalist however :(
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    Of course men can be called sluts, but on that issue its all about the frame of mind. The problem that is encountered is that men are viewed by other men as just being the envy of other guys for this and thus they dont think that what they are doing is bad. But its all frame of mind, a women...
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    Of course men can be called sluts, but on that issue its all about the frame of mind. The problem that is encountered is that men are viewed by other men as just being the envy of other guys for this and thus they dont think that what they are doing is bad. But its all frame of mind, a women...
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    "Why did Greece go to war with Persia during this time period"

    The reasons were pritty damn simple, basically the whole system of government and pride that the majority of the major greek states held was against the tyrants and submitting to the will of the enemies (primarily Athens, and Sparta, who organised the unified greek state alliance thing, whatever...
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    Crime Fiction Sucks

    can someone translate for me? i dont speak stupid :S oh and qft /thread
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    How many hours did you study during the year?

    Ahh.... ive been busy drinking. I only started studying two days ago and not very hard. Its not the smartest idea, but eh im not worried, its just the HSC.