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  1. T

    Intermediate Japanese

    Dude, I have to like pick at my japanese dictionary every second sentence cause there's either some whack kanji or some verb/noun/word that i don't know. Stressful. &to the person doing open high school, stick it in man. I did Japanese through that in my HSC and it was pretty smooth.
  2. T

    Intermediate Japanese

    Unfortunately, I don't understand half the shit that's being thrown around and said. I tried backpedalling into the Intro Courses but it's a no go since I've taken the stupid thing in the HSC.
  3. T

    Intermediate Japanese

    Has anyone else got the feeling like this course was not what you expected? = =" Been thinking about dropping it and moving on, but dude, the texts cost about 150! Unless someone is willing to take these stupid costly things off my friggin' hands, I'm gonna stumble through this one. *sigh*