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  1. S

    Feeling Hopeless...Again

    im so done with school, i don't know what to do anymore. ive basically read every guide there is about studying and studying tips, and none of it sinks into me. ive been doing to-do lists, but i don't stick to them. ive tried timetables- they don't work at all for me, of course. ive even tried...
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    Please Help Me!

    tru dat Edit: except that certain acquaintances (not close friends) will all want to know how I go (know this from experience) and apparently their opinions matter. \_(._.)_/
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    Please Help Me!

    I mean, tell me if it isn't true that more people click on the tutoring threads that have things like "**99.95 | State ranking in 2U/3U Maths | All-rounders**". XD Right? They'd want to take their advice more because "obviously" they are beast. Ok, maybe that was a slight exaggeration, but what...
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    Please Help Me!

    Thing is - and this is going to sound confusing - my ATAR goal is even higher than theirs, but the difference between them having expectations and me having them is that I'm not going to be too depressed if I don't reach my goals, because I think there's always a way around things and such thing...
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    Please Help Me!

    I'm in Year 12 now, and my parents tell me I have to get an ATAR of 99.6+ or else they will never talk to me again or support me in my studies in the future. I'm not joking at all, and this is not something new, but I am in a state of crisis now, because I'm going to have my very first HSC...
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    I Don't Like School

    Thanks so much. BTW, can't help but notice how your username relates to my original post - that's just lol-worthy. Well, okay, I do have some career goals in mind and I have a life dream, but I tend to lose focus on them as soon as I sit down to try and study, and then I think "what are the...
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    I Don't Like School

    Thank you for this somewhat philosophical advice. :P I feel like I've finally been given a wake-up call, so hopefully I can actually apply this advice. I'm glad to realise that most students study really hard not necessarily because they like studying, but just for the practical benefits. :)
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    I Don't Like School

    It's blunt, but that's okay; I deserve some harsh advice. :P Yeah, others will understandably think that I'm just making excuses for not doing really well at school, but the main problem is not actually that I'm underperforming (I'm not, actually- I'm doing well enough for now, and somehow...
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    I Don't Like School

    I'm a Year 11 student who is facing a HUGE problem (read title of post ^^). I don't like most of my subjects, and even out of the ones I (sorta) like, I don't like studying for them/don't have motivation for them/ceebs. I have chosen the subjects I have the most capability for (after all, it's...
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    What Order Are Topics Studied for the Sciences?

    Oh :(, ok, thanks for that.
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    What Order Are Topics Studied for the Sciences?

    Hi, I was wondering whether all schools follow the same order for topics in the sciences as the syllabus specifies. Or do some schools do topics in a different order to get some out of the way quickly/have more time for harder ones? Just to clarify... Physics: 1. The World Communicates 2...
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    Ancq 2016

    HAHAHAHA this happens to me too most of the time!! But I'm so happy, I actually got HD this time LOL :D
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    Ancq 2016

    Ah, it was okay, actually. Not as bad as I expected after all... hope I did okay. :cool:
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    Ancq 2016

    Hi (again), I was wondering whether anyone else here is doing ANCQ this year. If so, good luck to you all! Does anyone have any tips to get HD? :cool: Thanks :)
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    Australian Science Olympiads- Bio and Chem

    Hi, I'm doing the ASO NQE's this year (bio and chem) and I was wondering if anyone has any good tips to like ace it, well get at least D. For me, bio is okay, but chem is like death. :/ I always see peeps on bos who post that it's so easy and they just got into the camp like it was nothing, but...
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    ICAS Help

    I was also wondering (I go to a school remote from Sydney), roughly what proportion of people actually do get HD's in the grade for ICAS and AMC at like the top 6 schools in the state (Baulkham Hills, James Ruse, North Sydney Girls, Sydney Girls, NS Boys and Sydney Boys)? I know some people who...
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    UNSW Maths Comp (NOT ICAS!) Tips and Advice Needed

    Thanks, mate. :) Good job on that! How do you join the 4U Marathon?
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    UNSW Maths Comp (NOT ICAS!) Tips and Advice Needed

    Hi, I'm gonna be doing the UNSW Maths Comp (this is not ICAS) in about a week from now, and I realise that it's really hard. For those out there who know what I'm talking about and have done it before (and preferably have aced it), does anyone have any useful tips/advice that would help me get...
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    ICAS Help

    Hey guys, You see, I've always been wondering...with ICAS, how is it that a lot of people (I mean especially in really good selective schools) find it so easy and get high distinctions every time without having ever looked at a past paper (or so they claim at least)? I just read these BOS posts...