I already know 5 units of my HSC marks because I'm accelerated.
Music 2: 92
Music Extension: 46
Italian Continuers: 91
This year I'm doing:
English Advanced - Ranked 1st, Trial mark 97/105, raw assessment mark (i worked it out) 92/100
English Extension 1 - Ranked 1st, Trial Mark...
I am just wondering if it's required that we learn about Australian involvement in Vietnam.
It doesn't say it in the syllabus dot points, but is it unwritten?
I'm interested in doing Music/Arts at UNSW. In arts I would like to major in theatre and performance studies because I want to be a musical director in music theatre. I know there's a music audition, but I'm under the impression there's no audition for B Arts. Can anyone confirm this? Are there...
Does anyone here do this course? Can you tell me anything about it - pros/cons etc. I'm looking into perhaps doing it next year. Would I be better off just doing a Bachelor of Music? Any advice anyone has would be great. I want to ultimately become a musical director but there's no course just...
I'm currently studying English extension. We have to do an assesment titled "Context and the handmaid's Tale" (the book we studied). If anyone has done a similar prelim. assessment I'd appreciate some advice.