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    supp text, yey or nay?

    river of dreams by billy joel? a good idea for supp text or not? HELP!
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    B social science.. anyone?

    what is this course like? what career would i be able to pursue after completition? very demanding? help?
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    help would be tops!

    ok .. confused, and slightly freaking out!! i have no idea what to choose for my imaginative journey supp text.. i dont have time to read a book, and i was hoping to do lyrics, coz i think that they are a bit easier to run with ,, i have to link it to a collerige poem? any help guys? i will...
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    human nutrition/food technology?

    to anyone that has done this kind of course,, or is currently doin it... I am confused at the moment as to what uni course i should choose! how demanding/challenging is this? have never done chem.. does that make it worse?
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    Collerige Confusion!

    is any other people that are studying Colleridges poems able to help me with critical analysis'? at this point in time im having trouble with the rime of the ancient mariner..
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    bachelor of edu help

    does any one out there know if it is possible to gain a bachelor of education (k-12) and major in TAS, or is it only possible to major in geo, maths, english and IT?
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    education courses

    does any one out there know if it is possible to gain a bachelor of education (k-12) and major in TAS, or is it only possible to major in geo, maths, english and IT?
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    100% in AFI assessment! (i did mine on NESTLE) ...BUT... i really found the content of the afi core really hard to grasp! did any one else? hows everyone going with tha course so far?
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    Journeys! Own Texts

    does anyone out there know where i can start looking for 'imaginatve journey' texts of my own choice? i have NO idea where to find them!